Seeking Nominations for the 3rd Annual

Regional Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplace Awards

The DC Breastfeeding Committee (DCBFC) and the Maryland Breastfeeding Coalition (MBC) join hands once again to recognize work sites within the District, Maryland and Northern Virginia who are committed to promoting and protecting their female employees' rights to provide human milk to their infants as long as they may choose. 19 businesses have been honored with this award in the past two years ( and (

These local Breastfeeding Coalitions unite breastfeeding advocates, health care providers, and families to provide a forum for the development and exchange of resources to foster the establishment of breastfeeding as the normal way to nurture infants. Many health organizations, including the World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics, strongly recommend as optimal for nutrition and health benefits that an infant receive only human milk for the first 6 months, and continue receiving breast milk once complimentary foods are started for a minimum of 12 months of life. Among the barriers to a longer duration of breastfeeding is maternal return to employment and a lack of education and support received for breast milk expression in the workplace.

  • Section 4207 of the 2010 Affordable Care Act ("Reasonable Break Time for Nursing Mothers") and the District of Columbia's Human Rights Act ("The Child's Right to Nurse Human Rights Amendment Act of 2007") clearly state the requirement to provide a clean, private space and flexible, reasonable unpaid breaks for women to express their milk during work hours without discrimination.

  • Healthy People 2020 includes a goal to increase the proportion of employers that have workplace lactation support programs from 25% to 38%.

  • US Surgeon General Regina Benjamin, in her 2011 "Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding", lists four action steps employers can take to do their part to support women who choose to breastfeed.

Unfortunately, many women abandon breastfeeding prematurely because of lack of supportive work environments. Loyal employed mothers who want to continue breastfeeding have just a few needs which can help them continue their dedicated service to their employer while meeting the needs of their child. Conversely, work site support of employees enrolled in a company-provided lactation support program benefits companies through increased rates of retention, employee satisfaction and morale, decreased health care and insurance costs, and a reduction in sick leave requests to care for an ill child.

Nominations for breastfeeding-friendly businesses are now being openly sought and can be accessed on the DCBFC website or MBC website until September 15, 2012. Employees may nominate their employers but must have consent from the business to have a site visit conducted to confirm the nomination. Businesses previously awarded at the Bronze or Silver level are eligible for nomination if seeking a higher level of recognition. The application will be reviewed by Coalition Workplace Committee members and assigned points according to specific criteria. Workplace site visits will occur by October 15, 2012. The Bronze, Silver, and Gold winners will be publicly announced on the MBC and DCBFC websites and through award ceremonies conducted by the Coalitions.

Join us as we continue to recognize places of business, which jointly honor their employees' commitment and contributions to their place of employment and to the health and future of their children.

Please contact for any questions.